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Although rather unknown to the general public, Vir was a source of inspiration for connoisseurs of the Nordic sagas, artists and intellectuals. The following quotations are the traces of his silent but present impact.

Deeply inspired by the Nordic sagas, Vir's writings shed light to the hidden treasures of Jutland, searching for the soul of North, tracing ways to be visually explored...

Ingmar Bergman

Vir provides a special form of realism, a non-linear turbulent narrative. By controlling his images and creating significance through simplicity, he deals with the cosmic and spiritual dimensions of life, without giving the feeling that he is preaching.

Carl Theodor Dreyer

When Nemo and I were students at the University of Copenhagen, we read poetry together and delved into Norse mythology, peering into the difficult meters of the early Icelandic skalds. We were both raised in families where the spirit of true Christian piety reigned, and we were convinced that poetry is the best way to express spiritual truth. These shared readings and moments of friendship had been landmarks in the course of my often-stormy life.

Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig

In Nemo Vir's books the journey is an allegory of self-discovery. The destination is already there, always present in each of us, and we must look within ourselves to see it. This journey is therefore a transformation of the traveler who discovers, who makes the vision of himself.

Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig

In Nemo Vir's rather unknown books, I join a soul mate, also torn between faith and reason, with a rich palette of poetic thought, both inspiring and enthusiastic.

Jens Peter Jacobsen

My life is a beautiful story, happy and full of incidents. [...] My fairy tales are also inspired by my travels. At the origin of this love of travel, there are also the books of Nemo Vir, combining poetry, journey and gothic fantasy. The idea of my story "The Shadow", set in "hot countries" where the sun can really burn, seems to me a distant echo of the ambiguity that Vir attributes to the power of fire and light.

Hans Christian Andersen